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Author Topic: August Computer Hope Monthly poll  (Read 10569 times)

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    Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
    « Reply #15 on: August 18, 2005, 03:11:30 PM »
    You're right. Some people have no business playing violent games. But I agree with Rodney:
    It comes from kids/people having no moral fiber. Not understanding right from wrong and real life from game land.

    Right on. If people have no morals, what stops them from doing it? Nothing! People need some moral following -- I don't care which! Just.. Something to keep them thinking: "This is wrong." I have no problem with games, but some people are just rotten to the core.
    "The geek shall inherit the Earth."


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    Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
    « Reply #16 on: August 18, 2005, 03:32:26 PM »
    So do we stretch this. to .cartoons/adverts.........its a game........life is.........do we not venture out of the house for fear of being mugged/etc. no we dont ..whats next ban the bible for being voilent........hanging/nailing/thrown to lions/stoned etc..ban the news on tv......end post i feel..........

    Next will be suing software makers like you know who for living up to what they promised people.......a twist in the tale..


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    Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
    « Reply #17 on: August 18, 2005, 03:36:54 PM »
    what stops them from doing it? Nothing!

    Vigilantes. lol


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    Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
    « Reply #18 on: August 20, 2005, 03:25:02 PM »
    The Kids that carry out these crimes "Under the Infulence" of games dont have any morals because the majority of them come from disadvantaged areas, where they dont have a prominent parent figure.

    They need a good parent to teach them whats right from wrong. I saw a program about a some guy in jail and he said he had been steeling cars from the age of 9!

    Clearly its his parents fault not to correct the boy now!

    So the Children who do this after playing games, its not the Game creators fault but its the fault of the Parents and School for now teaching them what is right or wrong from a young age.



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    Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
    « Reply #19 on: August 24, 2005, 07:40:04 PM »
    problem maybe the adults seek the quite life,and dont no what kids do anymore?As kids/adults dont talk to each other .I hate it when kids say iam bored...dont adults get bored.Of course we do,<boredom is a state of mind> the cure is stop buying kids stuff,take them out more,get you know your kids, do what a family should do,know each other.before the clock beats us all.

    Joe Vreeland

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    Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
    « Reply #20 on: August 27, 2005, 09:41:19 PM »
    Try this on for size:

    We go to sad movies and exit with tears..go on, admit it macho guys!  

    We go to comedy clubs and exit laughing...and that's when it's not X-rated.

    We see those sad kids on the World Hunger PBS public service announcements and we are angry for them.

    Do you now think that viewing such things does NOT affect one?

    Now..imagine hours and hours of carnage and mayhem..is there a parallel?  :'(


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    Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
    « Reply #21 on: August 27, 2005, 09:46:18 PM »
    I totally disagree... It depends on the person by far... If they don't know the difference between what you can and can not do, then you have such issues. I can see your point a LITTLE... Maybe after playing such a game you are angry...  I mean, some people will not cry at sad movies lol  I mean, it will depend on the person... No doubt...



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    Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
    « Reply #22 on: August 28, 2005, 06:43:06 AM »
    Now..imagine hours and hours of carnage and mayhem..is there a parallel?

    Not quite.

    viewing carnage and mayhem does not cause whoredom nor does it cause world hunger. Dentists and insurance companies do. Get your facts straightened out.  

    We go to sad movies and exit with tears..go on, admit it macho guys!  

    I never go to movie theatres. To me, two is a crowd. Plus, I would dislike to be blown up by some religious fanatic whilst watching a bad movie.

    We see those sad kids on the World Hunger PBS public service announcements and we are angry for them.

    And that is somehow the gamers fault? As I see it, it's the bureaucratic and honourless politicians who should be shot for their crimes against humanity and for showing cowardness.

    Hopester Doofus


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      Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
      « Reply #23 on: August 28, 2005, 12:30:13 PM »
      This question is not unique to the video game era. Society has been worried about the effects of violence in entertainment since the advent of movies and television. Gunplay in weekly westerns of the 50's, like Gunsmoke and Bonanza, engendered multitudes of debates on exactly what message we were sending to the youngest and most impressionable segments of our population.

      What is beyond debate is that the levels of violence in all forms of entertainment, and our acceptance of it, has risen exponentially with each passing decade. When Clark Gable uttered the immortal line, "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a *censored*," in Gone With The Wind in 1939, the populace was stupefied. In 1960, audience members fainted when Janet Leigh was carved up by Anthony Perkins in the famous shower scene from Psycho, despite the fact the murder weapon was never shown entering Leigh's flesh, and the director used chocolate syrup to simulate her blood (movies were filmed in black and white in those days).

      The question should be whether the entertainment industry has influenced the public over the intervening years, or whether we have implicitly demanded increasingly higher levels of violence and shock value in movies (and games) in our never ending quest to cross off one more item in the rapidly diminishing list of things we have never before seen. "Entertain us with novelty," has always been the battle cry of the pop culture consumer. The industry has always found a way to respond.

      Is violence and our acceptance of it on the rise in everyday life? Likely. Are morals degrading?  Perhaps. Are children more detached from the human condition due to the plethora of video games and television programming which allows us to be entertained with no requirement whatsoever for social interaction? The studies tell us nothing.

      But if violence in the media is the chicken, and tolerance of it is the egg, the argument as to which one came first will soldier on, unresolved, for years to come. I, for one, believe the two go hand in hand, and in the end we are all poorer for it.
      « Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 12:36:51 PM by DabbaDoo »
      There’s no limit to what you can achieve if you don’t mind who gets the credit.


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      Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
      « Reply #24 on: August 28, 2005, 12:41:18 PM »
      The number one thing I can find wrong with video games is that they assist in causing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD... Have a look at what this does... Horrible... http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/~jdouglas/psychologyprop.pdf ... Sure, violence is horrible, but that depends on the person just as much as this does...

      « Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 12:42:10 PM by flame »


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      Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
      « Reply #25 on: August 28, 2005, 01:08:29 PM »
      That pretty much describes the average Counter-strike player.  ;D


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      Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
      « Reply #26 on: August 29, 2005, 03:31:09 PM »
      Im going to stick with, ITs down to the persons Morals.

      When they are a child and there parents dont stop them from doing bad they continue to do bad,

      I do agree with the point about feeling sad at movies and stuff. I mean i was soo sad when Die hard 3 finished,  ;D

      yeh mabye if somone plays computer games 24/7 and when they are not playing computer games they are talking like they are in a computer game "Roger that!" they may think they are that person.

      but that is totaly down too Intelligence and not knowing what is right from wrong!



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      August Computer Hope Monthly poll
      « Reply #27 on: November 02, 2005, 06:37:51 AM »
      Yes I do. Violent games make for violent children. Violent children, many of whom are abused, as I was by my catholic school teachers, priests AND nuns who are KNOWN to abuse pupils placed in ther 'care' become violent adults and cause further abuse.

      Games and cartoons are steadily becoming more violent as 'governments' build nuclear arsenals.

      I have forbidden the military of all countries to use these weapons.

      Nor is there any place for pornography on a public broadcasting network.

      Nor should there be ANY prostitution nor ANY narcotics.

      OPEN your eyes to the dreadful abuse and the SHEER waste of human life.


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      Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
      « Reply #28 on: November 02, 2005, 08:02:55 AM »
      Mac, what caused you to raise this issue after 2 months? Do we want to flog this horse some more?


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      Re: August Computer Hope Monthly poll
      « Reply #29 on: February 21, 2006, 12:03:07 PM »
      Apparently they have eaten the horses over here. Maybe we should be flogging the butchers.

      Gratuitous sex and violence leds to further gratuitous sex and violence. All the violence where viol = rape displayed in the media and in real life leads to what is known as copy-cat crime.

      All in all it produces an escalation in crime in general.


      According to definition, crimes are committed by criminals, or those who have been criminalized.

      No person should either commit crime or be criminalized.

      These words, in keeping with many others, should not exist.

      "In the beginning there was the Word..."

      Then they discovered that not all words were good words, and that many words should never have come into being, which just goes to show that to be someone of few words is a good thing.
      « Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 01:34:11 PM by Mr_President »