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Author Topic: Fan ??? pc problems  (Read 2623 times)

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    Fan ??? pc problems
    « on: May 27, 2008, 01:44:14 AM »
    My pc fans started running like crazy tonight then pc froze up. I bought a new video card like 3 months ago and noticed fans would run hard when 1st starting then would shut off. When using some video players on certain websites or games fans would go on when system was used hard. But tonight fans would not go off and system froze screen went black. When tried to restart kept loading xp but fans were flying and would get froze on xp window. Finally i got it to work and even the fans are not running high speed now but i know something is wrong? 
    My big question is can a video card go bad or can it be going bad to make pc fans run like crazy? if not the video card what else could be making pc run so hard and or crash? I get no error pages and my fans never ran like crazy untill i put this new video card in. Like i said in past fan noise went away or only lasted a few minutes here and there. But tonight would not go off even after rebooting and also would not load xp for like 10 tries.
    Any help or suggestions are appreciated thanks - i'm crossing my fingers working ok now but have feeling days are numbered. My 1st guess is video card but hoping someone might know other things to check?



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      Re: Fan ??? pc problems
      « Reply #1 on: May 27, 2008, 07:26:33 AM »
      what kind of computer do you have laptop or desktop? I would also check the temps too since if something is overheating the fans will run faster.

      Carbon Dudeoxide

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      Re: Fan ??? pc problems
      « Reply #2 on: May 27, 2008, 07:31:10 AM »
      what kind of computer do you have laptop or desktop? I would also check the temps too since if something is overheating the fans will run faster.
      Use a program called Speedfan


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        Re: Fan ??? pc problems
        « Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 08:42:15 AM »
        It is a desk top pc - compaq s4300nx

        When i went to start pc this morning fans started running like crazy and xp would not load - it would freeze during xp window. After about 5 times of shuting off and powering on pc finally loaded and is working like nothing is wrong? The fans have only run hard 1 time in last 1/2 hour since got pc going. I d/loaded speedfan and installed but don't know what to look for  or what to check?? i have a blue temp down on bottom bar next to my weatherbug icon says 36.
        Program gives these readings: ambient 36   -  remote 1 49 - remote 2 35 - HDO 35
        Watching the meters looks like remote 1 is running hot when it hit 50 one time was a fire symbol next to it? 
        How do i figure out what remote 1 is and how to fix temp? Could this be my video card? Since i got it started no problems remote 1 is only 1 that is changing temp 48-50 for the 5 minutes i've been watching.
        What next even thougth it seems good now after starting i know still have problem some where?


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          Re: Fan ??? pc problems
          « Reply #4 on: May 27, 2008, 09:11:18 AM »
          I tried to do some searching on my own and had speed fan running when doing. I opened 2 video sites justin.tv made remote 1 climb to 58 then when i opened moglus video player it went up to 77 and my pc froze. Now all i get is black screen and my fans running high. I'm thinking it might start up after cooling down and if it does where do i start to fix? The video card is only thing i have replaced or changed in a year say. When i 1st installed card would make fans run high on startup but they would settle down and be no problem. But im thinking card could be problem now? Should i replace the card?? Is there anything else to check or replace?? Problem seems to happen during video or when pc is working hardest.

          Carbon Dudeoxide

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          Re: Fan ??? pc problems
          « Reply #5 on: May 27, 2008, 09:18:35 AM »
          This is starting to look like an overheating problem all right.
          I would suggest facing another fan at the computer (to cool it down) and see if you still get any problems. This way we can see if this is the problem. It has been for quite a few people around here recently.


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            Re: Fan ??? pc problems
            « Reply #6 on: May 27, 2008, 09:30:47 AM »
            yea it for sure is a heating problem but what is causing the problem? I can put a fan on it and try but the fan wont cure problem? The heat did not go up till i used websites with video in them??
            Do you have any clue what could cause problem? Like i said before video card is not that old and i was skeptical about card from day since made pc fans run hard on startup and pc did not do that till i added this card. Every once in the while pc fans would go fast when pc was being used hard in past like playing bf2 game but never lasted more then a minute or so and went back to normal. I'm on another pc now but will try putting a fan on it to see if helps. I have the old video card still nothing was wrong with it really i just replaced it with 1 with more ram. should i replace the card or is there some other possible problem? Is there any way to test card or system to know what is making it over heat? No software has been installed on pc lately or any changes except i think sp3 was done last week.
            Power supply seems fine not hot all i can think is it is video card or something to do with when pc gets busy?

            Carbon Dudeoxide

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            Re: Fan ??? pc problems
            « Reply #7 on: May 27, 2008, 09:38:58 AM »
            I would try reducing the temperature with the external fan and see if it helps. Then, if you can, swap the current video card with the previous one and see if that did anything.


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              Re: Fan ??? pc problems
              « Reply #8 on: May 27, 2008, 09:46:02 AM »
              anything else can you think of that would make it heat up?? Only way i really can put external fan and make it blow into pc is with side off? Not something that will work long time. Sounds like i might aswell switch card today?


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                Re: Fan ??? pc problems
                « Reply #9 on: May 27, 2008, 10:25:54 AM »
                well just put a big external fan on pc and even opened case to let max air in.
                Still getting hot when go to any website with a video player. Going to tear it apart now and try old video card. If that doesn't work what else would you suggest trying?
                Thanks for any help much appreciated


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                  Re: Fan ??? pc problems
                  « Reply #10 on: May 27, 2008, 02:33:45 PM »
                  well i replaced video card with old 1 and same stuff is happening. Whenever i do anything that taxes pc it heats up remote 1 when looking at speedfan program. Video seems to make it get hot the fastest - i can also minmize this window to beable to see s-fan program. When i grab this window and move it around on screen i can watch pc heat up in front of my eyes.
                  Does anyone have any other things to try?? I deleted all temp files and cookies still no clue whats going on. tested hd and memory all passed test - also cleaned out pc and made sure both fans were clean and working - which they seem to be ok.
                  Does anyone know what remote 1 is taking temp of?? peeps turned me onto program but i have no clue what its supose to tell me or how it can help fix problem?