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Author Topic: [Perl] IRC Bot ":roc.esper.net 451 * liam-BOT :Register first."  (Read 7140 times)

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    I am simply trying to create a bot that connects to a server and runs some simple scripts for an IRC channel my friend runs --

    -- i ripped the code from a site so it's not exactly mine, but I can't seem to get it working with roc.esper.net. -- Heres the code, it's a single file so you can simply throw it in your own core.pl.

    Code: [Select]
    #perl ircbot by netcomm

    #lets set some varibles

    $server = "roc.esper.net"; #server
    $port = 5555;              #port
    $nick = "liam-BOT";         #nick
    $ident = "liam-BOT";        #ident
    $realname = "LiamsBot";  #realname
    $chan = "#testirc";        #channel
    $pass = "";                #pass
    $su = "liam";              #super user
    $owners = "liam";          #owners

    use IO::Socket;

                    Proto=>'tcp')or die "DEAD!";
                                    print "PerlBot by netcomm\n";
                                    print "$nick has connected to $server on $chan\n";
                                    print $irc "USER $ident $ident $ident $ident :$realname\n";
                                    print $irc "NICK $nick\n";
                                    print $irc "PRIVMSG nickserv/@/services.dal.net :identify $pass\n";
                                    print $irc "join $chan\n";
                                    print $irc "PRIVMSG $owners :$nick is online\n";
                                                            ### Start of commands   

    if($in=~/^:(.+)\!.+ JOIN\b/){print $irc "PRIVMSG $1 :hello $1 welcome to $chan\n";}
    if($in=~/PING(.*)/){print $irc "PONG :$1\n";} # MUST LEAVE THIS LINE
    print "$in\n"; # AND THIS ONE

    next unless $in =~ /^:$owners\b/; #makes bot only respond to owner

    sub about {
    {print $irc "PRIVMSG $chan :I am a ircbot written in perl by netcomm\n";}

    sub opdeop {
    if($in=~/!op /)
    {print $irc "MODE $chan +o $'\n";}
    if($in=~/!deop /)
    {print $irc "MODE $chan -o $'\n";}

    sub joinpart {
    if($in=~/!join / & $in=~/$su/)
    {print $irc "join :$'\n";}
    if($in=~/!part / & $in=~/$su/)
    {print $irc "part :$'\n";}
    sub kickban {
    if($in=~/!kickban /)
    {print $irc "kick $chan $' :TXTbot ownz da world\n";}
    if($in=~/!kickban /)
    {print $irc "mode $chan +b $'\n";}

    sub kick {
    if($in=~/!kick /)
    {print $irc "kick $chan $' :TXTbot ownz da world\n";}

    sub raw {
    if($in=~/!raw / & $in=~/$su/)
    {print $irc " $'\n";}

    sub say {
    if($in=~/!say /)
    {print $irc "PRIVMSG $chan :$'\n";}
    sub quit {
    if($in=~/!quit/ & $in=~/$su/)
    {print $irc "PRIVMSG $chan :Seya\n";}
    {print $irc "QUIT\n";}

    sub name {
    if($in=~/!nick / & $in=~/$su/)
    {print $irc "nick :$'\n";}

    sub rehash {
    if($in=~/!rehash/ & $in=~/$su/)
    {print $irc "PRIVMSG $chan :Rehashing...\n";}
    if($in=~/!rehash/ & $in=~/$su/)
    {print $irc "QUIT\n";}
    if($in=~/!rehash/ & $in=~/$su/){
    if($in=~/!rehash/ & $in=~/$su/){
    print $irc "join $chan";}

    sub viewusers {
    {print $irc "PRIVMSG $chan :Current Users:$owners\n";}

    #sub calls


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