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Author Topic: PHP/MySQL help - Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a...  (Read 65600 times)

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  • Guest

I'm currently learning php and mysql. I've set up a local "wamp" host on my pc to test my websites. All I want is to simply list the content from a test database I've created. Here's my code for my php file.


//Login details
//Host, Port, Username, Password

$host = 'localhost'; //Def localhost
$port = '3306'; //Def 3306
$user = ''; //Def blank or root
$pass = ''; //Def blank

$connect = @mysql_connect($host.':'.$port.','.$user.','.$pass) or die (mysql_error());
   echo ('Connected!');

$database = mysql_select_db('mydb');
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM persons';
$result = mysql_query($sql);

while($rad = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
   echo ($rad[firstname].$rad[lastname].'


When I test my page in the browser I get the following output:
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in F:\wamp\www\FAILS\mysql\mysql_connect_alt2.php on line 18

Acording to the error this is the line causing the trouble:
while($rad = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

Any help is well appreciated!



    Code: [Select]

    //Login details
    //Host, Port, Username, Password
    $host 'localhost'//Def localhost
    $port '3306'//Def 3306
    $user ''//Def blank or root
    $pass ''//Def blank

    $connect = @mysql_connect($host.':'.$port.','.$user.','.$pass) or die (mysql_error());
       echo (

    $database mysql_select_db('mydb');
    $sql 'SELECT * FROM persons';
    $result mysql_query($sql);


    while (
    $i $num) {


    "$firstname $lastname<br />";



    • Guest
    Thanks for the relpy but it still outputs an error :/

    Warning: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in F:\wamp\www\FAILS\mysql\mysql_connect_alt2.php on line 19

    Also, changing mysql_numrows to mysql_num_rows(): does not help either. Gives this:

    Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in F:\wamp\www\FAILS\mysql\mysql_connect_alt3.php on line 19



      Try this:

      Code: [Select]

      //Login details
      //Host, Port, Username, Password
      $host 'localhost'//Def localhost
      $port '3306'//Def 3306
      $user ''//Def blank or root
      $pass ''//Def blank

      $connect = @mysql_connect($host.':'.$port.','.$user.','.$pass) or die (mysql_error());
         echo (

      $database mysql_select_db('mydb');

      // Retrieve all the data from the "persons" table
      $result mysql_query("SELECT * FROM persons")
      or die(

      // store the record of the "persons" table into $row
      $row mysql_fetch_array$result );
      // Print out the contents of the entry 

      echo "First Name: ".$row['firstname'];
      " Last Name: ".$row['lastname'];
