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Author Topic: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!  (Read 12897 times)

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    • Experience: Beginner
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    Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « on: October 02, 2013, 01:24:21 PM »
    Someone has been hacking into my computer and it seems they are making it obvious that they are doing so. My mouse and cursor moves by itself and clicks on things without my touching (and yes auto-click is turned off).  Video feed is also sluggish or lagging. I contacted my pc protection providers several times and we have run every scanning test known to man. Even deleted everything completely off of my computer and restored it to factory setting. But it is still doing the same thing, still even getting Norton 360 high internet usage alerts even with everything deleted off my computer and one window open. So I'm guessing with all the work done this was not software installed to my computer someone is actually hacking my wifi/modem/internet connection via my ip address. My ip address changes every 24 hours, is secured with high encryption and password so I'm not sure how they are doing this. My internet providers are saying it is impossible for this to happen unless the guy is a big time hacker. But I've researched and it seem nowadays their are so many tutorials and program kits you can buy to do this. I have no where else to look or turn, I'm desperate I feel my privacy has completely been invaded. My question is how is this person continously hacking me?


    • Geek After Dark
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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #1 on: October 02, 2013, 03:04:10 PM »
    First ting, you must report this to someone with authority and experience to help you. Do not think of it a just a prank.

    Here are two credible sources about the Internet Staking problem.


    Amanda Todd; suicide; cyberstalked; Canada. [35]
    Alexis Pilkington; suicide; cyberstalked; Long Island, NY. [36]
    Audrie Pott; rape; suicide; cyberstalked; California.
    Rehtaeh Parsons; rape; suicide; cyberstalked; Canada.
    ... just a driven to suicide. Source:

    Again, let me repeat that you must report  this to a local agency or individual you trust. The problem is only getting worse. Please protect yourself. Find people you can trust in your own  neighborhood.

    You may need to get a new account for you internet service and even new equipment. And when you get on line again, avoid using social networking. Make friends with people you see fact-to-face.

    I am not making a joke or an blowing something out of proportion. This problem is now at a critical stage. 

    Moderator: I am not overstating anything.
    « Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 03:15:31 PM by Geek-9pm »


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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #2 on: October 02, 2013, 04:03:13 PM »
    I'd start with buying a new wireless router. But dont power it or install it yet.

    Build your computer back up to clean factory build to wipe out any keyloggers etc with the system recovery tools after first performing a full virus scan and then backing up your data "while offline" from the internet to an external.

    Once the data was backed up, perform a full clean installation using the system recovery software that was provided by your computers mfr. DO NOT CONNECT ONLINE YET... Windows may want to activate over internet connection, you can tell it not to activate at this time, or call the microsoft activation number to activate over phone.

    Also if it is a laptop or desktop with wireless card, shut off the wifi on this computer so that it does not attempt to connect to anyone elses potentially bad wifi network.

    Next unbox your new wireless router and connect a CAT5 cable between your computer and the router, and then follow the installation procedures that are provided with the new router. *As soon as you autheticate with it with the default admin and password to configure the router, you will want to  change this password to something complicated, but written down so you dont forget it. I like to use a magic marker to write the password on the bottom of my routers to keep track of what password is for each one.

    Once you have this wireless router set up with WPA2 Wireless Security, and an admin password that is different from the default password, you can then get online with your computer through your internet connection and all should be ok now.

    You will want to immediately perform all microsoft updates, installation on an antivirus, and if its Windows XP, make sure that the firewall is active.

    *The reason for why I suggest replacing your router is because they are inexpensive to replace and I have seen routers that have been hacked and/or flashed with malicious firmware that allows for monkey in the middle attacks and penetration into systems. While these are rare, it usually happens when a password is weak or never changed from its default for a router. The hacker(s) then go in and make changes to the router that cause the router leak information back to the hacker(s).

    * The reason for a full system rebuild using the system recovery software that came with the computer is because you likely have malware injected into this system, and performing this rebuild will flush out any malware that was planted to allow for intrusion.

    * Lastly, I would change all passwords on all websites that have password credentials to logon. Use a different password for each site that requires password and use complex passwords such as StarGazer28! or $h0wM3theM0n3y! to get caried away with complexity which uses upper and lower case, numbers, and special characters and would be very difficult to crack. ( A small noteboox with websites and user/password info kept in a private spot in your home is a good idea if going with compex passwords, especially if you dont go to the site often enough to memorize it.) *One of the leading causes of people having hackers getting into their e-mail, facebook, etc is because they use the same password between multiple sites as well as the same security question and answers between sites such as mothers maiden name, road a friend lived on etc, and so when you register with a rogue website without knowing, they have a e-mail address and a password as well as security reset information to hack other locations on the web where you used those same security answers to questions, and they try that combination against a bunch of sites and if its been used among multiple personal websites, then they have access to everything and anything that uses that same e-mail and password combination or e-mail and security questions to hijack and take control over your account(s).

    I keep a small notebook with all my online aliases with fake birthdays and names, multiple e-mail accounts, multiple registered websites, all with different answers to security questions as well as different and complex passwords.

    My one friend uses a different method of security. He has 5 passwords that he uses and the first one is one that is only used with banking etc, the 2nd is one for facebook, the 3rd is e-mail, and the 4th is registering purchased software etc, and the 5th is the junk one that is used to get into everything else that is low risk, so that be doesnt have to keep a notebook with his passwords and the worst anyone would be able to do with the lowest level credentials is register with a website or access a website that he registered with that is one that comes with no risk because its not tied to e-mail, facebook, or banking, and his security reset info is the same at each of the password levels so that he also can remember that, but of which the lowest level 5th credentials cant do any harm if someone did hack it.

    I personally like to keep it as secure as possible and dont mind thumbing through a small notebook for the info that I used for access.

    Assuming that no one has physical access except for yourself, you should be good to go and stalker free as far as local computer and local network goes.

    *You can contact your local police department about this, but dont be surprised if they say that they cant do much and suggest that you bring your computer to a computer shop or get a professional to secure your network as the fix. Although if you have money and are famous, they seem to act on these types of problems for the rich.


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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #3 on: October 02, 2013, 04:27:25 PM »
    Someone has been hacking into my computer and it seems they are making it obvious that they are doing so. My mouse and cursor moves by itself and clicks on things without my touching (and yes auto-click is turned off).  Video feed is also sluggish or lagging. I contacted my pc protection providers several times and we have run every scanning test known to man. Even deleted everything completely off of my computer and restored it to factory setting. But it is still doing the same thing, still even getting Norton 360 high internet usage alerts even with everything deleted off my computer and one window open. So I'm guessing with all the work done this was not software installed to my computer someone is actually hacking my wifi/modem/internet connection via my ip address. My ip address changes every 24 hours, is secured with high encryption and password so I'm not sure how they are doing this. My internet providers are saying it is impossible for this to happen unless the guy is a big time hacker. But I've researched and it seem nowadays their are so many tutorials and program kits you can buy to do this. I have no where else to look or turn, I'm desperate I feel my privacy has completely been invaded. My question is how is this person continously hacking me?

    I'm never convinced when people claim they are being "Hacked". Because every single time a person has personally asked me to look at their PC because they are being "hacked"- with tales no different than yours- it's always malware and sometimes even hardware problems. What I'm basically saying is Occam's Razor. Seldom does the evidence really say the machine is being "hacked" because there are far more likely causes for all the behaviour. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and in this case having some familiarity with the Computer but not being familiar with some of the nitty-gritty details can cause more harm than good because At that stage people seem paranoid; they know about Software,hardware, networks, etc... but they don't know exactly how it all works so it's basically a mystery; and they know about viruses, which affect computers. The end result I often find is people will usually blame all sorts of undesired but easily explainable behaviour on viruses. I knew a person whose PC I had to use for a few moments to print a word document, and for some reason all their menus were near the bottom of the screen. I figured it was a pref thing but I asked later and they said it was "because their Word had a virus". Which naturally was not the case. To this day she still insists that I "cleaned her word virus" when I moved a few Bars to the top of the screen.

    That isn't to say that it's not possible for such folks to actually be hacked, but for me it's a case of 'the stopped clock being right twice a day'; if one claims all undesired behaviour and attributes them to 'viruses' and 'hackers' than they will be right for the 0.05% of the time that it actually happens.

    No detail about what is being 'clicked'. This leads me to believe that you are simply seeing the mouse move and things be clicked, without any real pattern. This could easily be a broken mouse, I had a mouse that would simply issue clicks randomly because it had a short in the left-mouse button's multiswitch, and similar problems can occur with wireless mice (through connection interference) as well as optical mice (sometimes a hair get's stuck inside and confuses the bejesus out of the optics).

    The only way this occurs is with RAT (Remote Access Trojans). These typically piggyback with other malware in software downloads. You've pretty much dismissed this being possible by virtue of doing a factory reset. Apparently Norton is still giving you "high internet usage" alerts. From what I've found Norton only has Alerts for CPU,Memory,Disk, and Handle usage; I cannot seem to find any information on Norton tracking network usage as part of it's alert framework. But maybe it was added more recently. For the other alerts it indicates what is using the resource it is alerting on the most; for example Internet Explorer using High CPU usage would say iexplore.exe. If you are getting these alerts that information would be useful to find out the "how" question you are looking for.

    So I'm guessing with all the work done this was not software installed to my computer someone is actually hacking my wifi/modem/internet connection via my ip address.
    This makes absolutely no sense. Mouse movements/clicking buttons are not something you can do by simply sending packets to the machine through the network. Not to mention any system is going to be behind a NAT anyway. The fact of the matter is that a PC cannot be controlled remotely unless there is software being used on that system for that purpose. Thus the only way this could occur is if it was possible to install a piece of software on your machine- this is what Trojans effectively do, most deposit a RAT (Remote Access Trojan/Tool) and allow remote connection. Most don't actually allow the intruder to use Mouse input or "take over" the machine, since the very purpose is to not be detected, so they stick to a Terminal run under a separate account.

    I believe Most windows installations come with Remote Desktop or a similar capability, you could check services.msc (Start->Run or Windows Key+R, "services.msc") and see if the Remote Desktop Service is running.

    My ip address changes every 24 hours, is secured with high encryption and password so I'm not sure how they are doing this.
    IP Addresses aren't secured with anything. I guess you are referring to the Wifi Connection? Even with full access to the LAN it's still not really possible for what you are saying to occur very easily. It would also mean that the person "hacking" you would need to be within range of your Wifi network, which typically doesn't extend more than a few houses.

    My internet providers are saying it is impossible for this to happen unless the guy is a big time hacker.
    It's "Impossible" because the only way it would happen is if a Hacker that has an undisclosed zero-day exploit that was able to remotely install software on a remote system decided explicitly to target you for no particular reason and install that remote access software and then proceeded to just randomly click things. I think it's fair to say that when we put it that way we really ought to apply a bit of Occam's Razor- that's a pretty extraordinary thing and would require extraordinary evidence, so maybe we should got for something a bit less improbable that explains the problem, such as a broken mouse, mouse port, motherboard, or any number of other things. From what I can tell people claim Norton fires off the other performance Alerts (the ones I found information on existing) for otherwise idle tasks, so if they added one for network use I wouldn't imagine otherwise (and again if you get the notice again take notice of the program it says is using the Network)

    But I've researched and it seem nowadays their are so many tutorials and program kits you can buy to do this.
    There are exactly 0. Most of those links are frauds designed to part fools from their money, and of those that even have any creedence they still require local access to the machine being "hacked" at some point to install the software, or at least getting somebody to install a trojan. Most commonly tools that claim to let you "hack other PCs" simply install a Remote Access Trojan on the PC they are installed to and make that machine part of the botnet of the software owner. The person installing the program finds the program doesn't "work" and stops using it or uninstalls the main program but the malware stays.
    I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #4 on: October 02, 2013, 05:59:27 PM »
    Go to Control Panel/Admin tools and turn off file and print sharing...re-boot.
    " Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


    • Geek After Dark
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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #5 on: October 02, 2013, 06:07:42 PM »
    Require local access ?
    There are exactly 0. Most of those links are frauds designed to part fools from their money, and of those that even have any credence they still require local access to the machine being "hacked"
    Shame on you BC. That is nonsense. You know better that to make such a spacious claim. Once a Trojan enters, any PC is subject to anything sort of catching on lire. *

    Remote Access Trojans By Roger A. Grimes

    (* Not sure, I do renal a virus tat could destroy a monitor. )


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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #6 on: October 02, 2013, 06:18:02 PM »
    Shame on you for your shame on you on B.C.....
    Everything he stated was spot on.
    " Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #7 on: October 03, 2013, 01:53:54 AM »
    Require local access ? Shame on you BC. That is nonsense. You know better that to make such a spacious claim. Once a Trojan enters, any PC is subject to anything sort of catching on lire. *
    'Explanations' in bold.

    There are exactly 0.
    The number of ways to get access to a computer remotely available through google that are actually valid. None..

    Most of those links are frauds designed to part fools from their money
    That is, they are designed to get a piece of the wallet of the sort of people that think they can get legitimate 'hacking' tools and instructions from a google search. The majority are themselves backdoor access trojans; so you install that too to allegedly gain remote access to another PC and you yourself are infected.

    and of those that even have any credence they still require local access to the machine being "hacked"

    That is, to explain the grammar here, I'm speaking of 'those' where those are the sorts of sites, information, and programs that you find online that are actually legitimate and accurate. Those that you do find do not provide any real "hacks" or even information about remote access of a PC without having direct local access to it or a proxy for direct local access such as a secure shell supplied through a Trojan. And of course we have to discount that because such a trojan would be wiped clean if the system was restored to factory settings.

    I'm sure you could easily claim that "but it could have infected the BIOS". That's great, but that isn't what I'm saying. Anything is possible which is why you have to eliminate the less probable unless there are very good reasons to consider them more seriously or you can discount the more probable.

    For example if you got up one morning and your tires were slashed, would you initially think it might be the government trying to silence one of the only vocal opponents of the local proposition to enact a larger seniors discount for Bus fare, or would you suspect the neighbor who, after a protracted argument about you leaving your blinds open while wearing your robe without closing the front, said "I'm going to slash your tires"? Probably the latter.
    I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.



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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #8 on: October 10, 2013, 06:43:48 AM »
    'Explanations' in bold.

    Most of those links are frauds designed to part fools from their money
    That is, they are designed to get a piece of the wallet of the sort of people that think they can get legitimate 'hacking' tools and instructions from a google search. The majority are themselves backdoor access trojans; so you install that too to allegedly gain remote access to another PC and you yourself are infected.
    Completely Agree.


    • Geek After Dark
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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #9 on: October 10, 2013, 02:11:26 PM »
    How this is done is not the issue.

    The OP stated:
    Someone has been hacking into my computer and it seems they are making it obvious that they are doing so. My mouse and cursor moves by itself and clicks on things without my touching (and yes auto-click is turned off).  Video feed is also sluggish or lagging. I contacted my pc protection providers several times and we have run every scanning test ...

    I assume the OP is not a troll or a mentally disturbed person. The Cyber-Stalking problem is very serious and ruins peoples lives. Yes, it is more probable one would die in a snow storm rather than from cyber pranks. Yet cyberstalking  is real.

    Relevant links:





    At least look at this one:
    Over eight yeas Connecticut convicted 161 persons. Connecticut has  about three and a half million residents. During the period, some 1,077 were charged . Put in perspective, one person in 3,500 were allegedly stalked non-line. That may seem to be a trivial issue. But not if it happens to your mother, sister or daughter.

    BTW: If you need to know how it is done, contact inmates in a state prison. They have the information. An no, they did not get it from Google.


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    Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
    « Reply #10 on: October 10, 2013, 02:19:28 PM »
    How this is done is not the issue.
    The issue is one of Occam's Razor.

    'My mouse and cursor moves by itself and clicks on things without my touching (and yes auto-click is turned off).  Video feed is also sluggish or lagging.'

    These are NOT symptoms of being hacked or stalked. There are FAR more reasonable explanations that should be explored first before jumping to such conclusions. I mean, "video feed is sluggish and lagging" doesn't even make sense as a symptom to be caused by being "hacked".

    I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.



      • Experience: Beginner
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      Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
      « Reply #11 on: October 29, 2013, 04:12:19 AM »
      They are doing it with remote desktop disable it and perhaps you shoes get on cmd and Chang send also rename your Ip address I tell you this because IM a hacker


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      Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
      « Reply #12 on: October 29, 2013, 06:34:51 AM »
      They are doing it with remote desktop disable it and perhaps you shoes get on cmd and Chang send also rename your Ip address I tell you this because IM a hacker

      Thanks for the laugh.
      I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


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      Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
      « Reply #13 on: October 29, 2013, 08:56:01 AM »
      They are doing it with remote desktop disable it and perhaps you shoes get on cmd and Chang send also rename your Ip address I tell you this because IM a hacker

      Post of the Month Finalist...
      " Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "



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      Re: Please help I'm being stalked/harassed online!
      « Reply #14 on: October 29, 2013, 01:01:29 PM »
      They are doing it with remote desktop disable it and perhaps you shoes get on cmd and Chang send also rename your Ip address I tell you this because IM a hacker

        :rofl: :rofl: