Updated: 10/01/2023 by Computer Hope

GEOS may refer to any of the following:

GEOS operating system logo.

1. Short for Graphic Environment Operating System, GEOS was an 8-bit OS (Operating System) created by Berkley Softworks. It was developed for the Commodore 64 and released in 1986, with other versions coming out for the Commodore 128 and Apple II computers.

GEOS looked similar to earlier macOS versions and included a graphical word processor called geoWrite and a paint program called geoPaint. A 16-bit version of GEOS was later released that ran on IBM-compatible x86 systems. That version included a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and an application software suite.

2. GEOS is an open-source software library for performing geometric operations, like buffering and intersections, on objects such as points, lines, and polygons. It is used as a key component in a GIS (Geographic Information System) and database to perform spatial analysis and similar operations.

3. An acronym for Goddard Earth Observing System, GEOS is several satellites and associated ground-based data systems developed and operated by NASA. The primary goal of the GEOS program is to collect and analyze data about the Earth's climate, oceans, land surfaces, atmosphere, and other environmental parameters.

4. Short for Global Entity Online System, GEOS is an online system that processes and manages financial instruments like securities. It is developed and maintained by SDS (Software Daten Service), which is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.

Computer acronyms, Operating system terms, Software terms