How to find information about computer products

Computer Hope is not affiliated with any third-party computer company and cannot provide any information in regards to part numbers, manuals, warranty, refunds, or tracking information. Below is additional information on how you may obtain this information, and links to pages within Computer Hope that contain related information.
Part number
There are billions of different part numbers used by companies today. Because of the large variety of part numbers, Computer Hope cannot offer its customers with third-party part numbers.
If you are looking for a part number, we recommend you contact the computer company or the manufacturer responsible for supporting your product. You can find a listing of companies and their contact information on our company listing.
If the company responsible for your product is no longer in business, we recommend the below.
- If you don't have any numbers, but have the product or part you want to replace, ensure that no numbers are listed on that part. If a number or name of the company is listed on the product, see the next section. However, if no number can be located, we recommend you take the product to a local service center, repair shop, or the place of purchase for additional assistance.
- If you can locate a number, search the Internet with a large search engine for that number. If you cannot locate that number, we recommend you take the product to a local service center, repair shop, or the place of purchase for additional assistance.
- If you're only able to locate the name of the company who made the product, contact that company to see if they can provide a replacement.
Also see: Part number
Because of Copyright laws and the inability to have manuals for all products, Computer Hope cannot send or make copies of any manuals.
Many companies provide documentation in electronic format through their website. If you want an online version of a manual or instructions that you can print, we suggest you visit the manufacturer of your product web page.
If you need a hard copy of a manual or a replacement digital copy, we recommend contacting the company responsible for the product or search Google for any site containing digital copies.
Also see: Manual
Warranty information
Warranty length, purchasing an extended warranty, or what your warranty covers are answered by the manufacturer, developer, or place of purchase. For a listing of computer companies, see our company listing section.
Also see: Warranty
Refund information
Computer Hope is not associated with any third-party product, nor does it sell any third-party products. We cannot handle any request for refunds of a product or provide anyone with additional information about a refund. To obtain this information, you must contact the manufacturer of your product and the place of purchase. A listing of computer companies is our company listing section.
Also see: RMA (Return Materials Authorization)
Rebate information
Computer Hope does not provide or deal with any rebates. If you have a rebate question, contact the manufacturer of your product or the company responsible for the rebate. A listing of computer companies is on our company support section.
Also see: Mail in rebate
Serial numbers and manufacture numbers

Unfortunately, with the billions of different serial numbers and manufacture numbers, we cannot provide support and information on a product by its serial number. If you need information about a product using its identification number, we highly recommend you contact the manufacturer of the product or search for the manufacturer or device name. For example, instead of searching for "Serial Number 12345," it may be easier to search for "Maxtor hard drive."
If you are looking for a serial number for a program, contact the software developer of the program. Computer Hope will not provide any serial numbers or other registration numbers to any users.
Finally, a serial number for a hardware device (e.g., computer or printer), is found on the bottom or back of the device. If you're trying to find the serial number for one of these devices, try physically examining the device. If you're still having issues locating it, contact the manufacturer of the product for additional assistance.
Also see: Model number, Serial number
Billing information
The Computer Hope web page and its services are 100% free, and we have no method of billing users. If you have questions regarding billing or changing the billing for a service, we recommend you contact the company of the product.
Missing or lost CD, disk, or install file
If you lost one or more of your installation CDs (compact disc) or diskettes, you must contact the developer of that program to obtain a new copy. Computer Hope cannot send anyone copies of the program disks or downloadable files over the Internet regardless if you have purchased the program.