How to change the color of your Quake 3 name

Updated: 11/13/2018 by Computer Hope
Quake 3

Users playing in multiplayer Quake 3 may want to change the color of their online aliases. This requires that the user insert special characters. For example, if a user wanted their name to be blue they would type ^4name as their name.

  1. Enter "Setup"
  2. Select "Player"
  3. In the name field, type the name you want to use with the color codes. Below, are each color's number.

0 = Black
1 = Red
2 = Green
3 = Yellow
4 = Blue
5 = Light blue
6 = Pink
7 = White

While in the game, to change your name color use the "/name" command from the console (accessed by pressing the ~ (tilde) key).