How to add or change a Windows 11 account picture

Updated: 12/05/2021 by Computer Hope
Default picture for a user account in Windows 10.

Windows 11 provides its users with a high level of personalization. One of these features is the ability to add or change an account picture. To add or change your account picture in Windows 11, follow the steps below.

Add or change an account picture

  1. Click Start to open the Start menu.
  2. In the Start menu, click the account name and default picture (A) at the bottom-left corner, and select the Change account settings (B) option.

Windows 11 account settings option in Start menu

  1. In the Accounts window that opens, click the Browse files button.

Select account picture

  1. Find and select the picture on you want to use for your account, and then click the Choose picture button.

Choosing an account picture in Windows 11