Updated: 12/10/2023 by Computer Hope
Kilo may refer to any of the following:

1. A kilo is a prefix used with the metric system that stands for 1,000. A kilo is either 2 to the 10th power or 10 to the 3rd power. For example, a kilohert is 1,000 hertz.
- A '1,000' (10 to the 3rd power) kilo is properly represented as a k in lowercase.
- A '1,024' (2 to the 10th power) kilo is properly represented as a K in uppercase. This value should now be called a "kibi" or "Ki" to prevent confusion.
What is smaller than a kilo?
With SI prefixes, hecto is smaller than kilo.
What is larger than a kilo?
With SI prefixes, mega is larger than kilo.
What is kilo's decimal equivalent?
A milli (m) is the prefix used for 10-3.
2. Kilo is the phonetic alphabet pronunciation of the letter "K."
Computer abbreviations, K, Kib, Kibi, Kilobit, Kilobyte, Measurements, SI