Today in computer history: September 1st

Below are technology and computer-related events that happened on September 1st of every year during the evolution of computers. September 1st is the 245th day of 2024, which is a leap year. There are 121 days left in the year from this day.

William Jevons pictureSeptember 1, 1835
189 years ago

William Jevons was born, a British economist and logician known for marginal utility theory. Died August 13, 1882 (Age: 46).

MovieSeptember 1, 1902
122 years ago

The French silent film "A Trip to the Moon" was first released, considered to be the first science fiction film.

Michael Rabin pictureSeptember 1, 1931
93 years ago

Michael Rabin was born, an Israeli computer scientist known for the Miller-Rabin primality test.

SpaceSeptember 1, 1983
41 years ago

Soviet jets shoot civilian Korean flight and kill all 269 passengers. Causing President Ronald Regan to make GPS available for civilians.

PhoneSeptember 1, 2000
24 years ago

The Nokia 3310 mobile phone was announced.

BE, Computer, GPS, Jet, Mobile, Mobile phone, Nokia, Phone, Released, Science

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