Declarative programming
Updated: 09/12/2023 by Computer Hope
Declarative programming is a computer programming paradigm that the developer defines what the program should accomplish rather than explicitly defining how it should go about doing so. This approach lends itself naturally to the programmatic definition of formal logic systems, and has the benefit of simplifying the programming of some parallel processing applications.
Declarative programming languages
- Absys
- Alpha
- Ant
- ASCEND (Advanced System for Computations in Engineering Design)
- Atom
- ATS (Applied Type System)
- Brooks
- Candle
- Curry
- CLP(R)
- Curl
- CycL
- Datalog
- DASL (Distributed Application Specification Language)
- Dependent ML
- ECL (Enterprise Control Language)
- Embedded SQL
- Erlang
- EAML (Enterprise Architecture Modeling Language)
- F-Logic
- FXML (FX Markup Language)
- GeneXus
- Glowe
- GOAL (Game Object Assembly Lisp)
- Gofer
- GtkBuilder
- Harbour
- HiLog
- HPCC (High Performance Cluster Computing)
- JavaFX Script
- JModelica
- KM (Knowledge Machine)
- Lithe
- Loom
- Lucid
- Lustre
- MetaFont
- MetaPost
- Miranda
- Modelica
- MXML (Macromedia FleX Markup Language)
- Oz
- Pan
- Prolog
- Prova
- PTQL (Program Trace Query Language)
- .QL
- QML (Qt Modeling Language)
- Quark Framework
- Quill
- RDQL (RDF Data Query Language)
- SequenceL
- SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)
- SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language)
- SQL (Structured Query Language)
- Transaction logic
- Web Ontology Language
- XBase
- XProc
- XSLT (extensible stylesheet language transformations)
Imperative programming, Logic, Paradigm, Procedural language, Programming language, Programming terms, TLA