Today in computer history: March 26th

Below are technology and computer-related events that happened on March 26th of every year during the evolution of computers. March 26th is the 86th day of 2024, which is a leap year. There are 280 days left in the year from this day.

Philibert D'Ocagne pictureMarch 26, 1862
162 years ago

Philibert D'Ocagne was born, a French engineer and mathematician. Died 1938 (Age: 76).

Stanley Gill pictureMarch 26, 1926
98 years ago

Stanley Gill was born, a British computer scientist known for inventing the first computer subroutine. Died 1975 (Age: 49).

Edwin Turney pictureMarch 26, 1929
95 years ago

Edwin Turney was born, co-founder of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Died October 15, 2008 (Age: 79).

James Thomas pictureMarch 26, 1946
78 years ago

James Thomas was born, a computer scientist, visionary, and research and development leader in the field of computer graphics. Died August 6, 2010 (Age: 64).

Steve Gibson pictureMarch 26, 1955
69 years ago

Steve Gibson was born, a computer enthusiast, software engineer and security researcher.

Larry Page pictureMarch 26, 1973
51 years ago

Larry Page was born, co-founder of Google.

ComputerMarch 26, 1976
48 years ago

The First Annual World Altair Computer convention and first convention of computer hobbyists was held in New Mexico.

VirusMarch 26, 1999
25 years ago

The Melissa virus spreads around the globe over e-mail in hours and becomes one of the fastest spreading viruses in history.

Advanced Micro Devices, Altair, Computer, Computer graphic, Device, E-mail, Founder, Google, Melissa virus, Research, Security, Software, Software engineer, Subroutine, Virus, Visionary

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