Word and letter search

The following results are 79 computer-related words from the Computer Hope dictionary that contain "machine" in them.

Exact match for machine


58 full word matches of machine

Accounting machine
Adding machine
Advanced RISC Machine
Amazon Machine Learning
ATM machine
Automated teller machine
Bare machine
Bare metal machine
Complex machine
Copy machine
Counting machine
CPU machine cycle
Enigma machine
Facsimile machine
Fax machine
Finite-state machine
Hollerith tabulating machine
Instruction machine code
Java virtual machine
Kernel-based Virtual Machine
Logic learning machine
Low-Level Virtual Machine
Machine access
Machine address
Machine authentication
Machine code
Machine cycle
Machine dependency
Machine error
Machine language
Machine learning
Machine name
Man machine interface
16-bit machine
32-bit machine
64-bit machine
Object-oriented Categorical Abstract Machine Language
Program machine code
Punch machine
Simple machine
Small-Scale Experimental Machine
Steam Machine
Tabulating machine
Tabulating Machine Company
Time Machine
Time Machine backup
Turing machine
Universal machine
Universal Turing machine
Virtual machine
Virtual Machine Manager
Virtual Machine Monitor
Von Neumann machine
Wayback Machine
X-Ray machine

12 words starting with machine

Full word matches

Machine access
Machine address
Machine authentication
Machine code
Machine cycle
Machine dependency
Machine error
Machine language
Machine learning
Machine name

38 words ending with machine

Full word matches

Accounting machine
Adding machine
Advanced RISC Machine
ATM machine
Automated teller machine
Bare machine
Bare metal machine
Complex machine
Copy machine
Counting machine
Enigma machine
Facsimile machine
Fax machine
Finite-state machine
Hollerith tabulating machine
Java virtual machine
Kernel-based Virtual Machine
Logic learning machine
Low-Level Virtual Machine
16-bit machine
32-bit machine
64-bit machine
Punch machine
Simple machine
Small-Scale Experimental Machine
Steam Machine
Tabulating machine
Time Machine
Turing machine
Universal machine
Universal Turing machine
Virtual machine
Von Neumann machine
Wayback Machine
X-Ray machine

Other ending word matches


7 words containing machine

Association for Computing Machinery
Business Machines
Commodore Business Machines
State machines

13 URL containing machine

Active learning
Mechanical calculator
Reinforcement learning
Semi-supervised learning
Spark MLlib
Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning

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