Computer history - 1964

Updated: 12/31/2022 by Computer Hope

Major computer events in 1964

Core memory

Kenneth Olsen was issued U.S. patent #3,161,861 on December 15, 1964, for magnetic core memory.

On April 7, 1964, IBM introduced its System/360 family of computers, the first of its computers to use interchangeable software and peripheral equipment. The system also incorporated IBM-designed SLT (Solid Logic Technology) microelectronics and used the same programming instructions. The concept of a compatible "family" of computers transforms the industry.

New computer products and services introduced in 1964

In 1964, the Programma 101 desktop computer, invented by Pier Giorgio Perotto, was unveiled at the New York World's Fair.

The first self-hosting software was written in LISP (LISt Processor) by Timothy Hart and Michael Levin in 1964 at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Multics was released in 1964.

IBM introduced the IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter, which pioneered magnetic recording devices for typewriting and gave rise to the concept known today as word processing. Referred to as "power typing," the feature of revising stored text improved office efficiency by allowing typists to type at "rough draft" speed without the pressure of worrying about mistakes.

The V.23 modem standard was approved in 1964.

Computer and technology-related events in 1964

Dartmouth College John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz developed BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Language) and ran it for the first time on May 1, 1964.

Baran published the report "On Distributed Communications."

The term "double bucky" was coined at Stanford University in 1964.

AT&T started the practice of monitoring telephone calls in the hopes of identifying phreakers.

The CSIRAC (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Automatic Computer) was donated to the Museum of Victoria in November 1964.

The TRANSIT system became operational on U.S. Polaris submarines. This system became known as GPS (Global Positioning System).

SSI (Small-Scale Integration) chips began being developed.

The first official supercomputer was the CDC 6600, released in 1964.

Leonard Kleinrock published his first book on packet nets entitled "Communication Nets: Stochastic Message Flow and Design."

The first computerized encyclopedia was invented at the Systems Development Corporation.

Syntactic sugar was coined by computer scientist Peter Landin in 1964.

Computer companies and organizations founded in 1964

Mouser Electronics was founded in 1964 by Jerry Mouser.

Computer company events in 1964

IBM acquired a new subsidiary, Science Research Associates Inc., a Chicago publisher of education, test, and guidance materials.

Computer pioneers born in 1964

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos was born on January 12, 1964.

Harry Mccracken was born on April 2, 1964.

Tom Hall was born on September 2, 1964.

Jack Ma was born on September 10, 1964.

Marc Benioff was born on September 25, 1964.

Eric Bina was born in October 1964.

Megan Smith was born in October 1964.

Tsutomu Shimomura was born on October 23, 1964.

Hugh Herr was born on October 25, 1964.

Paul Graham was born on November 13, 1964.

Alan Emtage was born on November 27, 1964.

Simon Travaglia was born in November 1964.

Clay Shirky was born in 1964.

Computer pioneer deaths in 1964

Norbert Wiener

Norbert Wiener passed away on March 18, 1964 (Age: 69).

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